Best keepass plugins
Best keepass plugins

This is an old, well-known technique that I have used several times during pentest ensure discreet persistence on the targetđŸ’Ș but also to steal the passwords. The second case has been known since 2015, at least (for those on the mailing list, I refer you to the 2015 emails “KeeFarce: software that extracts data from Keepass” and “ KeeThief, to steal the content of a KeePass”). If I compromise the user computer and I have write permissions on the KeePass configuration file, I can ask him to trigger an action, such as a command execution, following an event such as when it is opened, when a password database is opened, when it is closed
 (which can be done manually or with tools like the recent KeePwn).If I compromise the user computer and have enough privileges to access the Keepass database, then I will have ALL of its secrets (which I retrieve in memory with tools like KeeFarce or KeeThief or SharpClipHistory most recent, or on disk waiting for the user to enter their password and capturing it with a keylogger

best keepass plugins

Keepass is great for keeping your secrets safe but for an attacker it can be interesting for two main reasons 😉: Ultra mega giga critical vulnerability CVE-2023-24055 The weaknesses of KeePass

best keepass plugins

To say it another way, it protects your passwords, it protects your buttocks, it “keeps your ass”
 that’s for those who didn’t understand the name of this tool 😉. It’s handy for having complex and random passwords for each of your sites, tools, access
 👍. I’ll make it short: it’s a tool that allows you to store your passwords locally, securely and requiring you to enter a “master” password to unlock them. KeepPass is a wonderful tool wich is a password vault.

best keepass plugins

In order to end in joy and good humor, you will have the new features of KeePass 2.53 at the end 😉. At first I intended to limit myself to a simple tweet ( ) and an email on a private mailing list (those who know, know 😉) but given the extent of the subject 
 here is a blog post 😒.

Best keepass plugins